
Grayscale Ethereum Trust

The world’s largest *

Ethereum Fund


Market Price as of 09/06/2024



*By AUM as of 7/23/2024

The Grayscale Ethereum Trust (“ETHE”) is not a fund registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and is not subject to regulation under the Investment Company Act of 1940, unlike most mutual funds or ETFs. ETHE is not suitable for all investors. An investment in ETHE is subject to a high degree of risk, has the potential for significant volatility, and could result in significant or complete loss of investment.

Investment Strategy

Grayscale Ethereum Trust is one of the first securities solely invested in and deriving value from the price of Ethereum ("ETH") that enables investors to gain exposure to ETH in the form of a security while avoiding the challenges of buying, storing, and safekeeping ETH, directly. Shares (based on ETH per Share as indicated below) are designed to track the ETH market price, less fees and expenses.
Ethereum is a digital asset that is created and transmitted through the operations of the peer-to-peer Ethereum Network, a decentralized network of computers that operates on cryptographic protocols. The Ethereum Network allows people to exchange tokens of value, called Ether, which are recorded on a public transaction ledger known as a blockchain.
  • 0


    1 Day Market Price Change

    As of 09/06/2024


  • Largest Ethereum Fund

    ETHE is currently the largest* Ethereum fund in the world by AUM.

  • Long Operating History

    Created in 2017, ETHE has a long operating history as the first publicly-traded Ethereum fund in the US.

  • Expert Sponsor

    ETHE is sponsored by Grayscale, one of the the world’s leading crypto asset managers with over a decade of experience operating crypto investment products.

*By AUM as of 7/23/2024


As of 09/06/2024

  • Name

    Grayscale Ethereum Trust

  • Distribution Frequency


  • Ticker


  • Trust Inception Date


  • Primary Listing Market


  • Public Quotation Date




  • ETF Listing Date


  • ISIN


Key Fund Information

As of 09/06/2024

  • Assets Under Management (Non-GAAP)


  • Base Currency


  • Shares Outstanding


  • Sponsor

    Grayscale Investments, LLC

  • Total Expense Ratio*


  • Index Provider

    CoinDesk Indices, Inc.

  • Total Ethereum in Trust


  • Fund Administrator


  • Ethereum per Share


  • Digital Asset Custodian

    Coinbase Custody Trust Company, LLC

  • Marketing Agent

    Grayscale Securities, LLC


ETHE was first created in 2017. In 2024, it uplisted to NYSE Arca as a spot Ethereum ETP.

Daily Performance

As of 09/06/2024

  • Net Asset Value (NAV) per Share


  • ETHE Index Price


  • NAV per Share 1D Change ($)


  • ETHE Index 1D Change (%)


  • NAV per Share 1D Change (%)


  • Daily Volume (Shares)


  • Market Price


  • Market Price 1D Change ($)


  • Premium / Discount (%)


  • Market Price 1D Change (%)


  • 30D Median Bid/Ask Spread (%)




  • GAAP NAV per Share


*Trading generally takes place throughout the normal trading hours (typically 9:30am – 4:00pm EST). Daily volume shares is updated between 1am and 5am EST to reflect previous trading day activity.

Median 30 Day Spread is a calculation of ETHE's median bid-ask spread, expressed as a percentage rounded to the nearest hundredth, computed by: identifying the Fund’s national best bid and national best offer as of the end of each 10 second interval during each trading day of the last 30 calendar days; dividing the difference between each such bid and offer by the midpoint of the national best bid and national best offer; and identifying the median of those values.

GAAP AUM and GAAP NAV Per Share represents the applicable Product’s principal market price and is calculated using a GAAP methodology. For additional information, see the applicable Product’s financial statements.

1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
Annualized Since Inception
Cumulative Since Inception
Market Price, %--------------------
NAV Per Share, %--------------------
Benchmark Index, %--------------------

Since inception is the ETP listing date of 07/23/2024.

The performance data quoted represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted.

Shares of any ETF are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and may trade at a discount or premium to NAV. Shares are not individually redeemable from the Fund and may only be acquired or redeemed from the fund in creation units. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns. Benchmark Index refers to The CoinDesk Ether Price Index (ETX) which provides a USD-denominated reference rate for the spot price of Ether (ETH). The index leverages real-time prices from multiple constituent trading platforms to provide a representative spot price. Prior to 07/23/2024. Principal Market NAV per Share was referred to as NAV per Share and NAV per share was referred to as Digital Asset Holdings per Share. Our definitions and calculations of these non-GAAP measures may not be the same as similar measures reported by other Ethereum ETFs. Please refer to ETHE's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for additional information. NAV is the dollar value of a single share, based on the value of the underlying assets of the fund minus its liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. Calculated at the end of each business day using the 4PM ET index price. Market Price is the current price at which shares are bought and sold. Market returns are based upon the last trade price.

Historical Performance

Grayscale Ethereum Trust first launched as a private placement in 2017. In mid-2019, shares began trading publicly on OTC Markets under symbol: ETHE. This continued until 2024, when ETHE uplisted to NYSE Arca as a spot Ethereum ETP.

1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
Annualized Since Inception
Cumulative Since Inception
NAV Per Share, %--------------------

The performance table shows the Trust's performance for the time periods shown from inception to 7/23/2024. The Trust's performance prior to 7/23/2024 is based on market-determined prices on the OTCQX marketplace and on the Trust's performance without an ongoing share creation and redemption program. Prior to 7/23/2024, the Trust's shares traded at both premiums and discounts to the value of the Trust's assets, less its expenses and other liabilities, which at times were substantial, in part due to the lack of an ongoing redemption program. Effective as of 7/23/2024, the Trust established an ongoing share creation and redemption program and the shares of the Trust were listed to NYSE Arca. Hence, the Trust's returns for periods prior to 7/23/2024 are not directly comparable to, and should not be used to make conclusions in conjunction with, the Trust's performance for periods subsequent to 7/23/2024.

How to Invest in ETHE

Grayscale Ethereum Mini Trust (Ticker: ETHE) trades on NYSE Arca and is available through your brokerage account. To invest, click below to be redirected to brokerage platforms or search for ETHE on your platform of choice.

ETHE Resources

ETHE Factsheet

May 24, 2024

Grayscale Overview

May 24, 2024


Have more questions? Please reach out to our Investor Relations team at

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